Thursday, December 17, 2009

Word of the Day

Being the nut that I am, I watch a lot of anime and Asian drama, even some Asian reality shows.  The more I watch, the more I pick up on certain words.  With subtitles, and understanding the situations these words are constantly being used in, I garner understanding  and am slowly building up a (pathetically puny) arsenal of words in Japanese, Korean, and Mandarin.

Today’s Word of the Day:
Chingu (chin-gu) 친구

After watching 12+ episodes of Taste Sweet Love, I have come to learn the word “chingu” which means friend in Korean.  I am excited every time I can recognize a new word. Maybe my capacity for learning languages isn’t as deplorable as I thought, then again, probably not. My German and Spanish are practically nonexistent.

1 comment:

  1. i mutter in the few words i remember / have picked up, too...
