Friday, October 6, 2006

Minimum Wage Debacle

     Besides the fact that a federal government regulated minimum wage is a joke, let's talk about Michigan's raise.  Now, getting paid $6.95 versus $5.15 is a good thing, however, it is not helpful at all.  First of all, the cost of living demands that we get paid more than this in order to have all the basic necessities.  Unfortunately, a national study proves you need to be making $9 and upwards for that to be happening.  Go figure.  While wages have stagnated, the cost of living skyrocketed.  Joy of joys, people do not understand this.  There are people out their in working poverty who are making minimum wage.  The great thing about minimum wage is that it is not the least amount of money needed to get by.   It is a ploy developed during the New Deal to regulate wages.  They thought having a federally mandated minimum would solve the problems they were facing.  They were wrong.

     Why?  Well, having a minimum, in theory, is an excellent idea, however, in praxis it just doesn't work.  One of the great reasons for this little problem is the fact that the government refuses to raise it even though it is PROVEN that people cannot get by on minimum wage alone.  You have to love the irony of that, because we all know that a good portion of some (if not ALL) congressmen are definitely getting paid way over the minimum value.  Hell, there was a congressman who refused to take a certain job on because he swore to help the people, not take a vow of poverty, and that was for a job that made slightly over $200,000 a year.  Vow of poverty my ass.  You can definitely live more comfortable with that much money a year than you can for, oh lets say $11,000 which is roughly what federal minimum wage gets you.  Heaven forbid you make only 20 times that amount.  People are such freaking idiots!  I am doing my research paper on minimum wage so when I figure out just how the government calculates it and decides how and when to raise it, I will let you know.  It really is a fascinating topic.

*AC Update: the door that never locks has now been fixed.  The mold problem is still ongoing though I have been told that the college might be looking into it now.*

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Black and Green

     Mold.  That's right mold.  It is invading our living spaces and getting people sick.  You could say that it's just this craptastic Michigan weather, you know it changes every five minutes, but that is not it.  When you are perfectly healthy until you move back into a resident hall where no one else was ill until they moved back in as well, you know that something is wrong.  Well, the Chi Omegas, ASAs and Alpha Phis are all in a pickle.  Their halls are filled with mold.  Some have black mold others have, I think green.  Girls have already been to the hospital this year due to mold related illnesses.  It is bad when every year you get sinus infections and bronchitis due to deplorable living conditions.  The funny part is that the college does nothing to the sorority houses.  Uh, hello, they are part of our campus.  It is not right that they should be marginalized because it is not a major part of campus.  Sororities do help bring people in, as much as I hate to admit that.  And most of the girls, or at least some, are pretty decent people.  Is it right that their needs get ignored?  Especially when most of their problems directly effect their health and safety?

     They have always had mold, but apparently the administration has not cared to take care of that potential health problem.  I think they might be looking into find a way to get rid of it, but not in both halls, just half of one.  Makes you feel loved by the administration, doesn't it?  Besides the mold problem these girls had showers caving in and sewage flooding their building.  Why has AC done nothing so things have gotten as bad as they have?  Well, for one they never close down either hall or strive to do major improvements in the summer.  Herrick and Lowry are generally untouched.  If the halls belonged to just the sorority and not the campus, it would make sense that campus would not interfere, but that is not the case.  The college just doesn't give a damn.  At least that is how it appears when these girls are turning up sick and (like last year, although they finally fixed the problem like in April) have human waste floating in their basement.

     I would say I am glad I am living in my hall instead, but I can't.  One door has no lock, which was supposed to be taken care of the second week of school, but here we are a month later and no lock.  There is the door that only unlocks for certain people and the revamped bathrooms suck.  Taking a shower is interesting because one shower has no water pressure really and another one gets hotter than Hades and there is really no way of cooling it down.  I have no idea how the handicap shower handles because I have never used it, but it was only after our water was shut off and turned back on that these problems began to surface.  Really, it's ridiculous.  And I won't even get started on the paint job.  The first floor is relatively okay, but I here the second floor is hideous.  Needless to say I avoid it now that I am living on the first floor.

**Upon receiving tests back, it has been determined that mold and mildew are present, but not black mold**

Friday, September 29, 2006

Keep Sharp Objects Hidden!

     So I am taking this class called Class, Status, and Power (sounds kind of redundant calling it a class doesn't it?).  I am enjoying the class; it is putting many things in perspective for me.  First of all, I found out what class I am in.  It is a depressing thought, but who am I to complain, it's just the way things are.  Now social class, as defined by Gilbert, is income based.  So accordingly, I am in the underclass.  And for those of you who don't know or can't guess, that's the lowest class you can be in.  Personally, I have no problem being there.  It's how I lived my entire life, but I would be lying if I said I want to stay there indefinitely.  But here I am getting way off topic.

     I took the GRE this past August and I brought up a question that was asked on the extra section I had to do.  Since this is from the ungraded portion, I doubt they care that I use it.  I was asked the question, "Should the government finance higher education for those who cannot afford it?".  Now, my response was "Hell, yeah!"  This is because of my lovely lack of funds that I say this.  I have one more semester after this one and I only have $800 to my name.  Unfortunately, I am also working on applying to graduate schools so my little supply of money is quickly going to dwindle down the drain.  Now, I bet you're wondering where I am going with this.  While discussing education and social class one class period a girl from my group, the illustrious and rich Miss S, said that she doesn't believe the government should pay for education.

     I can understand that viewpoint if you're going that's our tax dollars being used, but that was not her argument.  No.  Her argument is that the poor get poorer, the rich get richer, so what is the point of paying for poor people to go to college?  If I was a cartoon character you would have seen my jaw hit the table.  I honestly didn't think that she would say that.  The fact that she did with two people in our group in the lower classes, was totally idiotic.  Let's go live in India with their caste system, or better yet, let's go back to Feudal times when social climbing was damned near impossible. (I am not talking about the backstabbing, scheming to land a rich man/woman social climbing, but the work your ass off to better yourself and move up the ladder kind of social climbing.)

     One of the problems with lower classes of people is the fact that they have limited opportunities.  Well, going by S's method we shouldn't let them have any opportunities to further themselves because in the end they'll just end up poorer -- so why bother?  With that attitude, is there a reason for poorer people to exist?  If their life won't get better, but worse, then what have they to live for?  We talked about hope being a driving factor behind the poor.  Take away hope and you have a broken people who really have no point to their existence.  If all poor people thought this way, do you think suicide rates would be higher?

     Just to point out a fact, S is majoring in social work/human services.  She plans on working in social work, which generally entails working with and helping a lower class of people.  Gasp!  How can this capitalist (aka highest you can go on the social/income ladder) class girl with a bad attitude help the less fortunate at all?  It really makes you wonder.  At least it makes me wonder.  Even thinking about it now, four days later, I still shake with anger.  We deserve a chance -- don't take that away from us.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I Choose to Be

     In Class, Status and Power we were supposed to be talking about what we learned in chapter six via our groups that we were in.  At first my group was on task and the next thing I know S was going off on a tangent to R:  "I am sorry, but I cannot agree with your choice."  Um, and what choice would that be?  Dear little S does not like the fact that R "chooses" to be gay.  Let's just say I wanted to groan and put my head in my hands . . . well I did put my head in my hands, but that is partly due to the fact that I have a horrible sinus headache and the fact that my throat feels like I have claws digging into it.  But, I digress.  I think we were all a little shocked that S said that.  I have heard that argument before.  People can be so obstinate in their opinions that they refuse to look at certain facts.

     One fact that R confesses is that he wished he were "normal."  He would love to be attracted to women so he didn't get beat up by people (his dad beat the crap out of him when he came out of the closet) or ostracized, but he just isn't attracted to the opposite sex.  S says that he made the conscious decision and no matter what D or K said, she would not concede.  I find that quite stubborn, especially in the face of what I have stated previously.  R isn't the only homosexual who asks the question, "Do you think I want to be this way?"  I am not saying there is anything wrong with being homosexual, but even though our society has become more accepting it still carries the undertone that it is wrong and people are still getting beat up for their sexual preferences.  Although, if we call it preferences, isn't that terminology indicative of a choice?  Yes, it is.

     I guess, you could say that someone has a choice whether or not to follow through on their urges, but if a person is naturally inclined to be attracted to a person of the same sex, then what is wrong with that?  Why can't they act on those urges?  My favorite part of this discussion is K's rejoinder to S going "Did you make the decision to be straight."  The look on S's face was priceless.  She didn't know what to do with that question.  K also found out that S was 21 and she said that S will probably change her views, to which S said "no" this is how she believes and she will not let anyone say that she is not right.  This one girl from her high school told S first that she had a girlfriend.  S was polite but told her point blank that she didn't like her decision.  And S said like two years later the girls broke up and her friend is now dating guys.

     Sigh.  Experimentation, orientation.  Must we get into them?  Must we complain about people and how they live their lives?  It was ridiculous.  D and I tried to steer the conversation away from such dangerous ground but S wouldn't let it be.  So we tactfully ignored the conversation and finished our discussion on social succession and mobility between the two of us.  When time was up, S was still blabbering about her beliefs and I was like, "let's just say you agree to disagree."  Enough was enough!  Talking for half an hour on the subject and going nowhere was stupid, pointless, and infuriating.  But heaven forbid that people with strong opinions aren't allowed to try to convert you to their beliefs.  I don't care if you express your opinion, you have that right, but mulishly trying to get others to believe that you are right and they are wrong, is pure, unadulterated crap.

     Sorry, no matter how much you complain and give examples, I don't believe the choice.  Yes, there are choices involved, but in the end it is based on attraction and desire.  You shouldn't have to be with someone you don't really like just to please the phobics out there.

Saturday, September 2, 2006

Why Is It?

     Riddle me this:  Why is it that classes that you have only once a week seem to pile on more homework than your average 2-3 times a week classes?  I mean honestly.  True, you only meet once a week and it's a 4 credit hour class, but is all that homework really necessary?  I think not.  I don't mind reading the 7 chapters for Nicholas Nickleby because I love the book so far, but it's all the creative writing homework that's dragging me down.  I have to read the first chapter of a book that my friend who is in the same class told me is very dry and boring.  Plus, I have to index it.  And the funny part about indexing is the fact that half the time with writing books they are just reiterating many things that have been drilled into me during my educational career, so I have to "pretend" to learn something new or think some idea is just so cool that I must remember it.  But oh well.  At least the poem reading should go faster than the book on how to write a poem, but there in lies another problem.  Besides reading 57 pages of a poetry book, god knows what length of a boring chapter, and indexing, I have to write two responses to two poems while also writing a poem myself.  All for Tuesday.  Is that insane or what?

     Not to mention there are my other classes as well.  About 20 pages and a journal for Class, Status and Power, 2 sections in Elements of Style plus a journal for Teaching writing, Reading two chapters for my art class, doing a power point homework thingy, doing the illustrator assignments, and now beginning to work on our first project.  Time.  What is that elusive thing?  Will it pause in order for me to get all of this stuff done?  The answer: Hell no.  But I will burn the midnight oil to do so.

     And this is why college students don't really have a life (those who do are either a. delusional, b. blowing off all their work, or c. lucky bastards with fewer classes and homework).  That is why I won't be enjoying my 3 day weekend.  I will be doing homework.  Yay me!  Off to read Nicholas Nickleby and then creative writing and then

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

That Time of Year Again

     Along with cooler weather comes something else.  Something that any sane child would do their best to avoid for three months.  School.  Nothing's wrong with school, I do enjoy it for the most part, but I just can't believe that it's here already.  They say time flies when you're having fun.  Well, that is true, but I cannot believe I've had that much fun this entire summer.  It is odd.

     Our dead campus is coming alive again.  Instead of administrators and construction workers we have students and faculty coming back.  It's nice to see life on campus again, but I don't like the fact that school starts on Monday.  It seems too soon . . . or not.  It seems weird that it's starting up again.  Maybe it's because I haven't left Adrian or the college all summer.  That's probably it.  Being here year round has made me bonkers.

     I am tired.  I need a vacation where I don't work or have anything else important to do.  Yeah, that'd be nice.  I feel like I am burning out.  I am getting sick of school, but I am even crazier contemplating graduate school.  I guess I am a glutton for punishment.  I still can't believe September is around the corner, but with the weather doing it's chilly thing, I guess it should make that fact more plausible, but it doesn't.

     The end of August is here.  The beginning of school is near.  Bah humbug.

Friday, August 11, 2006


    No one likes to be reminded how human they are . . . or how human someone else is that they love.  Interesting is it not, that children find their parents infallible?  We put them on pedestals and make them our heroes, but what do we know?  We forget that they are just flesh and blood not Wonder Woman and the Man of Steel.

     I know that my grandfather is just a man, but it's hard to remember someone so strong being so weak at times.  I know that he is not like Superman.  I have seen him hurt and in the hospital before, but it is one of the oddest sights to see.  I hated seeing him connected to machinery, bandaged up, in pain.  But he is only human.  He makes mistakes, he gets hurt, he bleeds.

     I found out two days ago that my grandfather was involved in an accident.  Somehow he fell off our lawnmower and ended up getting run over by the trailer that was attached to it.  He was banged and bruised up after that.  Who wouldn't be?  Grandmother went in to the doctor's.  I don't know if it was only to get a handicap sticker for her vehicle or if she was taking grandpa in because of the accident, but for whatever reason, they were at the doctor's and found out that grandpa had busted ribs.

     One of the body parts your really don't want bruised, cracked, or broken.  I hear ribs are painful to heal and they are very dangerous because broken ribs could puncture lungs.  When I heard that he was injured like that the first thing that came to my mind is that it wasn't possible and then reason took over and said that he is seventy years-old.  The older a person gets the harder it gets for them to heal.  There actually comes a time when older people aren't able to mend broke bones.  It's scary.

     I don't want anything to happen to him.  He is my grandfather, he's like a mighty oak that refuses to bow down to the wind.  Yes, children, even adults get irrational about loved ones.  We want to believe that they are invincible, but the truth is, they never are.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Communications Skills

Communication: a necessity for getting around in today's world.  From family solidarity and understanding to a productive workplace, communication is essential.  Too bad that people forget this.  My dad has communicated nothing about coming to the US, and the people on this campus do not always see fit to tell you what in the world is going on.  It's great.

     How can they expect everything to be set up and ready if they don't tell you there's a group coming in?  Really.  You'd think that as professionals people would know that they have to communicate with one another, but apparently that is taboo.  Why work smoothly when you can run around like a chicken with its head cut off.  Geez Louise.  It's ridiculous with a capital R.

     Also, you'd think family would know to communicate, but no.  Gasp!  That might mean they actually have to talk to one another!  What is up with that?  Failure to communicate leads to failures elsewhere.  You can fail your family, your friends, your coworkers . . . your students.  Funny how practically every college requires a communications course.  Too  bad no one learns from that.  Even if it is just a glorified speech class, it does talk of the importance of communications, saying the right things, talking to people.  Hell, we had a convocation on communications.  Yet, people ignore the fact that if they don't talk to each other things don't get done, get done twice, or are done in a half-assed sort of way.

     Ain't it wonderful.  It's an interesting thing to think about.  How much do you communicate in your life?  Is it enough?  Who knows, but if you have no idea what's going on and why, suffice to say you need more communication.  Either that or you really need a better attention span.  I know I do sometimes.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Professional Writing

I don't know how professionals do it.  What with contracts and deadlines, how can they meet the demands placed on their talent and skills?  If I had had someone breathing down my neck telling me when the next book is due, I don't know if I could do it.  But then again, I am not a professional (not yet anyway, I'm keeping my fingers crossed).  I have stated in previous posts that I have been working on my book Is This Forever?  Knights of Erisod Book One, and that I had actually completed most of the major editing done on it.  Well, I have printed out a copy of the 345 page book for a friend of mine who said that she would like to read it.  Bad idea.

     It's not that she doesn't like it, she does.  And she has almost finished it.  No the problem likes in the fact that it is book one.  She wants to be able to read book two now.  After I finished the first book at the end of my freshman year I did begin working on a second.  It has a grand total of eight pages.  I kind of hit a wall.  I know how I want the story to end, which is good, but I don't know how I want the story to get to the end.  I have another friend who's told me that she wants me to work on the last book next because she wants to know the ending.  Chenin is part of the Pen & Ink Society along with me and she was in my Advanced Creative Writing class last fall.  She along with our friend Logan helped me work on revising three chapters of my book.  So she has a lot of information about secrets and places where I want to take the series.  So she is demanding that I work on that.  It doesn't help that my sister agrees because Elizabeth reads the end of a story first.

     That is a habit that I abhor.  Yes, I have done it myself because there are some books you read that you wonder if you wish to continue.  Sometimes peaking ahead at the ending makes you want to continue in order to see how they got to that surprising conclusion.  However, I try to read the book all the way through without peaking.  I agree with Luke Wilson in Alex and Emma that I hate it when people base a book necessarily on the ending.  The conclusion should remain a surprise, but many people don't believe that, which does suck.

     Besides my friend Nikki wanting me to work on the sequel so she doesn't have to wait around forever wondering what's going to happen, and my friend Chenin demanding I work on the last book to see how it all ends, I have my sister (who agreed with Chenin on the last book point) pushing me to finish her book.  And when I give her ownership, I do not imply that I am reading anything she wrote nor am I saying that I am writing a book for her to pass off as her own.  No, when I say it is her book, I mean it is because she is pushing me to finish writing it.  Football High is actually the first book that i ever started writing.  Even before Is This Forever.  However, I have this horrible tendency to start writing something and then leaving it for something else.  Well, Football High, like Is This Forever has been lost.  But unlike my newly edited book, this book has been lost three or four times.  Yes I know.  I have been berated by people telling me I need to learn to back things up.  Well, I have started doing that, a little late in some cases, but I have learned my lesson from cruel experience.

     After losing Football High that many times, it is hard to start over, but start over I have.  See the only problem is that I now have no idea what in the world to do with the story.  I know what the plan is in my head, but I seem to be hitting nothing but dead ends and road blocks.  Actually this is a great problem of mine.  How in the world do I get from point A to point B?  I have the beginning, I know the ending.  It's that pesky middle that kills me every time.  Well, I told Elizabeth yesterday that I don't know if I can finish her story and she told me that I had no choice.  It is the ONLY book of mine that she had ever started reading.  She's been hooked by the plot and demands that  I finish it . . . otherwise she will hurt me.  Ah, older siblings, how sweet.

     To top off the problem of these three demands by two friends and my sister, I have another little problem.  Me.  It's not that I don't want to work on those books, it's just that I have several started and even more in a little folder of things I would someday like to write.  There was this one episode of "Numb3rs" where Charlie tells Don that he can't choose what he works on, it's just whatever's in his head.  Well, that's kind of how it is for me.  I worked on Is This Forever? when it was in my head, same goes for Football High, and Centuries of Chaos: Knights of Erisod Book Two, however they are not the stories running around in my head right now.  Currently I have the plots of Carry Me Home (a vampire and angel novel), A Blue Storm Comes (a preternatural creature nevel), and finally Adaptations (an X-Men like mutation novel (while not pertaining to X-Men at all :P)).  With these swirling around in my brain demanding attention, I don't know what to do.  I don't know how to shut if off.

     That's why I wonder how professionals do it.  But I have decided to set some goals for myself.  I will try to pound out a chapter a day to either Football High, Centuries of Chaos, or A Blue Storm Comes.  I need to become more diligent in my writing.  This is a difficult task though, considering that school is starting in nineteen days.  We shall see what comes of this all.