Thursday, November 19, 2009


Woot! First deer of the season! Granted, I do not hunt. I am not a fan of using guns and the last time I shot a rifle/shotgun was when my dad and grandfather took my sister and I out to the sandlot so they could do target practice in elementary school. However, I am a huge fan of venison. For those who have never actually tasted venison, it is got a unique flavor and is just damn good; however, it has a lot of protein which can negatively affect certain people.

But, yeah. My grandfather was all worried that he wouldn't get his deer because all he saw was little, dinky deer up at his hunting shanty (now, before deer season, he actually saw some nice size bucks/does, but not-so-much since rifle season started). But today he bagged a nice 8-point buck. He estimates about 135 pounds or so.

My grandmother is happy, too bad she is one of the people who can't handle the protein-rich venison. I am ecstatic because our venison supply was running low. So now we can restock our freezer as soon as we get the deer back from processing. Yes, my grandfather can process his own deer, only problem is we can't make hamburger ourselves, so we must ship it off to the slaughterhouse my grandfather used to work at so we can get some nicely ground venison. And just plain venison, no pork or beef added to it to make it . . . firmer?

Good luck to all those hunters out there!

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