Monday, March 8, 2010

New Blog

So, I am a crappy blogger, I admit it. So, due to some chemical imbalance in my brain (and a lot of insanity) I have started a new blog.

That doesn’t mean this blog is dead in the water. I just couldn’t justify putting all the new stuff in this blog because it really doesn’t fit what this blog was supposed to be about to begin with. Not that I actually have kept with the idea very well anyways.

But if you are interested in Asian drama, anime, literature, and music, then check out the new blog at:

Peace out!


  1. i've been reading it! ...i just haven't been commenting, 'cause it gets all insistent that i use *my* wordpress id, and then when i try to weasel my way out of *that*, it wants my e-mail... sheesh. very demanding commenting system that thing has. ...i wonder if i swipe my key card from work at it, will it let me comment then?

  2. speaking of blogs...

    have you ever seen one of those prompt blogs? there's a list of prompts, and then a really basic rule, like "no more than 500 words per story".

    if you ever get around to starting one of those in your mad quest to have a blog with every blogging site out there, lemme in on it. ;)
