Monday, November 17, 2008

New Online Lit Mag Premiers

SIR! a new journal of poetry and prose has its first issue online. This new online magazine boasts some well-known names in the online and print literary scene, such as Blake Butler, Ryan Walsh, and Mike Young.

It is a nice, new online magazine with a good collection of poetry and prose. I don't know why, but I am usually a bigger fan of poetry than short prose - maybe because I can't write short prose to save my life. It takes quite a bit of talent to make short prose work, to tell a story so concisely. Anyways, I digress.

This new magazine is definitely worth checking out. I thoroughly enjoyed the poems by Chad Reynolds and I loved Brooklyn Copeland's "How Many in Their Daring." Spencer Troxell's poems add some well-crafted humor into the mix. His poem about fruit flies was amusing and definitely rang true this year. At least in Michigan where fruit flies seemed to appear in abundance and one had to wonder where all those little buggers were coming from.

Charles Lennox's piece "What the Other is Thinking" is an interesting look at the connection between lovers and how they realize that they aren't as connected as they thought. Another favorite among the collection is Elisa Gabbert's "Blogpoem the Second." It really hits home with writing and the internet today.

All in all, this is a great new online magazine. Definitely a must for people starving for great writing who can't necessarily afford subscriptions for print journals. Besides the poetry and prose, there is also a page of links to other magazines that are great sources for more good writing. Take a gander at the site and enjoy a few chuckles.

1 comment:

  1. it's bedtime! but... "short prose" is like short stories, right? only with a fancier title, right? yah. can you tell i'm sleepy that i am asking such a silly question?

    anyhoo! i have always been quite fond of writing short stories. it's fantastically fun to slam characters down and manipulate them with abandon and force the reader to fill in any unwritten blanks. good times!

    i'm not all that big on poetry, though. ...i kind of like my poetry like i like my art: somewhat baffling, complicated, tricky to navigate without further narration. i'm none too terribly good at making art like that, and also not so good at making poetry like that, so...

    so i'm really rather preferential in my feelings towards short stories. :)
