Thursday, October 2, 2008

Health Care

America. Land of the the free, home of the brave - where the elderly and poor cannot afford health care. Due to the rising costs, many employers are also cutting down health care/insurance packages. Who can afford to go to regular doctors appointments, let alone pay for all of the medications or treatments that may be needed?

In an age where people are drowning in students loans, the health care quagmire makes things infinitely worse. Doctor and hospital bills quickly escalate to the amount of a full four years or more of college - in only a matter of months. How tragic. Even worse is the fact that many insurances won't cover as much as they once did.

My grandmother was recently in the hospital, both visits lasted a little over a week. She is on social security. She is supposed to be covered by Medicare but they won't pay a dime to help because she also has Humana (apparently good for prescriptions). Her first stay resulted in over $30,000 in medical bills owed to the hospital. For a week and a half stay! We have not received the results of her second visit, but hopefully, since she was there a little less, the bill won't be as bad. But now we hit a quandary. She has to have this heart medication. She just does or her heart will have a greater chance on giving out. Well, fine and dandy. Thing is, we can't afford the medication. She is rapidly approaching the donought hole in her insurance with Medicare probably not stepping in at all.

What a great age for Americans to live in. Health care seems to be in decline (as most cannot afford it) and the elderly especially are having to make the choice to either put all of their money towards the prescriptions they need to live or to buy food. Yet there are so many Americans afraid of allowing a law to pass that would get better health care for those who need and can't afford it. How is it that Canada can basically cover its people's expenses and help them out and we cannot do so?

America is a great country, so can't we do a little more to keep its people healthy? Or do we leave them with the choice of needed medication but no food or food but not the medicine they need to survive?

1 comment:

  1. been there, done that! don't forget that i was considered "too poor" to receive prescription assistance!

    have you checked into wal-mart, k-mart, meijer, sam's club, or kroger? they've all got wicked cheap prescription plans. you can ask for a list from any of their pharmacies and they'll cough up a huge list of stuff that they provide for about $10 a refill. also, maybe hit the doctor up for free sample packs. then there's always the option of trying to get what i couldn't get! go to the county economic people and tell them what's up... they might be able to help.

    mom pays for my allergy shots. i'm down to two every other week at about $25 a crack, plus $400 every ten weeks for refills. (i don't know why, but even though i'm getting less shots, they still seem to refill them at the same rate.) anyhoo, she's never going to get to retire at this rate!
