Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Condoms Blamed for Rape . . . ?

While updating the blog list for work, I came across this interesting blog article. Just when you thought the Catholic Church couldn’t get and crazier, add in Italy’s interesting safe-sex policy of installing condom vending machines in high school and you get one hot potato on your hands and the Catholic Church expressing their outrage.

About as good as expressing outrage over condom use in third world countries. Seriously.


I don’t believe this is necessarily promoting sex before marriage or underage cavorting, this is just being realistic. Teenagers (not all, some) will have sex before leaving high school, so you might as well get them in the habit of practicing safe sex, right? But then again, this is a hot topic everywhere. Just what should we or shouldn’t we teach our children about that 3-letter word and its consequences?

I am all for informing them and letting them know the consequences without them experiencing it firsthand (i.e. teenage pregnancy, STDS), but I suppose the method of believing they won’t and keeping them in the dark works too, right?

Monday, March 8, 2010

New Blog

So, I am a crappy blogger, I admit it. So, due to some chemical imbalance in my brain (and a lot of insanity) I have started a new blog.

That doesn’t mean this blog is dead in the water. I just couldn’t justify putting all the new stuff in this blog because it really doesn’t fit what this blog was supposed to be about to begin with. Not that I actually have kept with the idea very well anyways.

But if you are interested in Asian drama, anime, literature, and music, then check out the new blog at:


Peace out!

Ah, Cartoons!

This made my day. Serious chuckle alert. Mainly because the cartoons themselves are more fun than the commonly misspelled words.

But don’t take my word on it, check out the poster here (available for purchase)


The perfect gift to give the annoying person whose spelling drives you crazy ;)